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Where is ICC Holdings’ corporate headquarters?
ICC Holdings’ corporate headquarters is located in Rock Island, Illinois.
Where is the company incorporated?
ICC Holdings is incorporated in Pennsylvania.
What is ICC Holdings’ fiscal year?
ICC Holdings’ fiscal year ends on December 31.
How is ICC Holdings’ stock traded?
ICC Holdings’ common stock is traded on NASDAQ under the trading symbol ICCH.
Does ICC Holdings pay dividends?
ICC Holdings does not have any current plans to pay dividends.
Who is ICC Holdings’ transfer agent?
Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?
Shareholder inquiries should be submitted to ir@iccholdingsinc.com.
How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?
For assistance, shareholders should contact ir@iccholdingsinc.com.
Does ICC Holdings have a direct stock purchase plan?
ICC Holdings does not sell stock directly. To purchase stock in ICC Holdings, please consult a stockbroker.
Who is ICC Holdings’ auditor?
The company's auditor is Johnson Lambert, Located in Park Ridge, Illinois.
Who is ICC Holdings’ legal counsel?
The company’s legal counsel is Stevens & Lee, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
How can I view documents ICC Holdings’ has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
Documents filed with the SEC can be found on our SEC Filings page found under the Financials tab of this site.
Who makes up the ICC Holdings’ Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
ICC Holdings’ Executive Management team and Board of Directors can be found on our Management and Board of Directors pages.
How can I obtain further information or materials on ICC Holdings?
To learn more about ICC Holdings, please contact ir@iccholdingsinc.com.
How can obtain a copy of your annual report and proxy?
Please direct requests for information to ir@iccholdingsinc.com.
When and where will ICC Holdings hold its next annual meeting?
Information regarding our next Annual Shareholder Meeting can be found on the Events page of this site.

Investor Resources

Investor Toolkit

Earnings Dates

Q4 2016 - December 24, 2016

Q4 2016 - December 24, 2016

Q4 2016 - December 24, 2016

Q4 2016 - December 24, 2016